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Todo - 9 - 2009

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  • 03/12/2009- Promoting Mental Wellbeing through Productive and Healthy Working Conditions: Guidance for Employers
    The Department of Health (DH) asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) to produce public health guidance on promoting mental wellbeing through productive and healthy work. The guidance is for those who have a direct or indirect role in, and responsibility for, promoting mental wellbeing at work. This includes all employers and their representatives, irrespective of the size of the business or organisation and whether they are in the public, private, or voluntary sectors. It may also be of interest to professionals working in human resources or occupational health, employees, trade unions representatives and members of the public.
  • 27/03/2009- Preventing Social Exclusion through Illness or Disability: Models of Good Practice
    This paper ia based on a research project funded by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. The paper addresses the issue of what might be done to prevent this process of social exclusion occurring, both at the level of national systems and at the level of the workplace. Examples of what might be termed good practice are provided, each taken from a number of European countries which were studies as part of the European Foundation project.
  • 03/03/2009- SLAN Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland - Mental Health and Social Well-being
    This report presents the main findings on the mental health and social well-being of Irish adults from the 2007 Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN 2007). The SLÁN 2007 survey, commissioned by the Department of Health and Children, involved face-to-face interviews at home addresses with 10,364 respondents (62% response rate), aged 18 years and over; full details are given in the SLÁN 2007 Main Report (Morgan et al, 2008). This sample was representative of the general population in Ireland and was further weighted, for the purpose of analysis, to match the Census 2006 figures. SLÁN 2007 is, therefore, the largest national survey to date on the extent of both positive and negative mental health and social well-being in the Irish adult population.
  • 03/10/2008- Disability Management in the Workplace: A Guide to Establishing a Joint Workplace Program
    Information provided in this booklet summarises: • the benefits of Workplace Disability Management Programs; and • how to design and implement an effective Disability Management Program in your workplace. It has been demonstrated that joint labour / management, workplace-based Disability Management Programs show positive results. Some examples include: • increasing the number of employees who successfully return to work following an injury or illness, reducing the cost of disability to the employer and employees; • fostering an early and safe return to employment, allowing employees to maintain their benefits and income level, as well as their contact with co-workers; • encouraging the active participation of unions, helping them to fulfill their role of protecting jobs and benefits for their members; • minimizing the negative impact of disability on the employee’s family, co-workers, supervisors and the community; and • building mutual trust between all stakeholders through improved cooperation.
  • 03/10/2008- ILO (2002) ILO Code of Practice: Managing Disability in the Workplace
    Many persons with disabilities who want to work do not have the opportunity to work due to many barriers. While it is recognized that economic growth can lead to increased employment opportunities, the code outlines best practices which enable employers to utilize the skills and potential of people with disabilities within existing national conditions. It is increasingly apparent that disabled people not only have a valuable contribution to make to the national economy but that their employment also reduces the cost of disability benefits and may reduce poverty. There is a strong business case for employing people with disabilities since they are often qualified for a particular job. Employers may also gain by expanding the number of eligible workers through continuing the employment of those who become disabled, since valuable expertise acquired on the job and through work-related training is retained. This code has been drawn up to guide employers – be they large, medium-sized or small enterprises, in the private or public sector, in developing or highly industrialized countries – to adopt a positive strategy in managing disability-related issues in the workplace. While this code is principally addressed to employers, governments play an essential role in creating a supportive legislative and social policy framework and providing incentives to promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Moreover, the participation and initiative of people with disabilities is important for the code to be achievable. The contents of the code are based on the principles underpinning international instruments and initiatives designed to promote the safe and healthy employment of all persons with disabilities. This code is not a legally binding instrument and is not intended to supersede or replace national legislation. It is intended to be read in the context of national conditions and to be applied in accordance with national law and practice.
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