
D2.1 Reintegrate Requirements for Training and Tool Support

This report (Deliverable 2.1) is the summary of the findings of all the activities carried out as part of workpackage 2 (WP2) of the project.  The aim of WP2 was to specify the needs of the target group in relation to training and tool support for the implementation of effective return to work practices in organisations.

The specific aims of WP2 were:

  • To identify target groups needs
  • To identify similar approaches to the issue
  • To produce a specification for training and tool support which will direct the work in WPs 3 and 4.

This WP built upon what was already known in relation to the needs of the target group in relation to training and tool support for the implementation of return to work practices.  Specifically, it used the work of previous projects, the expertise of NIDMAR  (a partner in this project) and various literature sources to inform this deliverable i.e. the specification of needs.  In addition, a survey, of potential users of the tool, was undertaken to establish needs in a more immediate manner.  This deliverable reports on the specifications for the training (face to face and e-based) and the assessment tool support (e-based) to be developed in subsequent WPs.

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