
Employing People with Disabilities: Employers’ Experience

In December 1995, the National Rehabilitation Board (NRB), the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC), and the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD) initiated a survey of employer experience regarding the recruitment and employment of people with disabilities. The survey was intended as a pilot exercise to assess employer experience regarding the recruitment and employment of people with disabilities. The questionnaire used in the survey was not pilot tested and this let to some shortcomings in the nature and extent of the data collected. Nevertheless much useful data was obtained on employer experience and valuable insights were gained which should benefit future investigations into the same area. This report on the survey is divided into two main parts – Part A and Part B. A summary of the survey findings plus forewords from NRB, IBEC, and Ahead are contained in Part A. Part B consists of a more detailed account of the findings. Following Part B, Appendix 1 contains the conventions used in data presentation throughout the report while Appendix 2 contains information on supports provided by NRB to assist in the employment of people with disabilities. Finally, Appendix 3 consists of a list of contact addresses for the three organisations involved in the survey.

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